Girl-To-Code in association with Girls In Tech Nepal was a two day boot camp held on 20th and 21st January,2020 at Pulchowk Engineering College was an initiative of LOCUS, the biggest college level tech festival in Nepal.
Genese Cloud Academy(GCA) was the official training partner of the event which participated with the objective of encouraging young girls in technology.
At the event, mentors of GCA provided cloud computing and technical leadership development training to women who were studying Engineering and IT at various colleges of Nepal. There were about 60 female participants at the event who were all extremely eager to learn.
At the end of the boot camp, the participants gained the basic knowledge of Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services (AWS), knew about the career prospects in AWS and Cloud Computing from experts. They were also benefited from the leadership and presentation skills training which ultimately was a great addition to their technical careers ahead. The main services that were focused on during the workshop were IAM, EC2, S3, and Cloud front, and website hosting was taught on both EC2 and S3.
The participating students were provided Amazon Educate credit worth $100, and a whopping 90% scholarship for an online course from Springboard was provided to students who performed exceptionally well at the task given to them.
In a nutshell, the event was a grand success.