It’s been around 3 weeks since I’ve joined Genese Software Solutions and since the day 1, it has been such an exciting time to work here in Genese. Before joining Genese, I already had some knowledge about cloud computing but now particularly about AWS. I found out that most of the work done here are on Amazon’s cloud platform, AWS. I was quite skeptical to learn AWS because I am particularly into deep learning and AI.
But here, I got to learn a lot about AWS, and found out that it has got lot to offer in most of the tech areas prevailing these days. Through different services of AWS, its so easy to develop application, do analytics and also develop machine learning and deep learning models or we can directly use already developed AWS services as an API to feed into our own application.
Getting Started With AWS
Its not a matter of doubt that cloud will be the future, as it makes deploying, maintaining application and do various tech tasks so easily in less time and very low cost compared to traditional way of building servers, database, maintaining them, deploying application to them that can be such a hectic task. But with cloud platform like AWS, its been easy to do all those tasks with just few clicks and also the cost is much more minimized.
Here as interns, we have given a guidelines focused on preparing ourselves for an associate level exam, either developer associate exam or solution architect associate exam. So currently me along with fellow inters are preparing ourselves for the exam by learning about various services offered by AWS. It has been such an exciting time to learn about all those services and gaining this valuable knowledge will help us in a great deal in our technical careers.
The working environment here in office is very friendly and flexible. The colleagues are friendly and helpful and there is always flexibility for new ideas and innovation. So it has been a great time to be working here in Genese and I look forward to learn more and grow and give my associate exam soon.