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M & R Solution migrates to AWS Cloud


M & R Solution







Engagement Overview

Genese, an Advanced Consulting Partner of AWS strengthens M & R Solution, one of the leading software companies in Nepal. M & R Solution migrated from an unscalable on-premise server to a scalable AWS cloud architecture.

About the customer

M & R Solution is one of the leading software companies in Nepal manifesting technology & innovation. M & R Solution delivers Financial & Business Solution Software to small and medium level businesses as per users’ requirements.

Customer Challenge

The existing website of M & R Solution was hosted on an on-premise server of the local cloud in our country. The application was built using PHP/Laravel backend and MySQL database.

The major challenges faced by the customer were:

  • The website was not scaling up or down in response to the amount of traffic. This possibly caused latency and made the site slow down when the traffic was high.
  • Hassle & complexity in creating Virtual Machines needed to consult with the local cloud provider every time.
  • Issues in Resizing, Auto-rescaling & Elasticity.
  • Inadequate monitoring as to M & R Solution’s expectations.

Business Solution

M & R Solution wanted to migrate their technology infrastructure from their on-premise local server to a flexible cloud setup.

Genese audited their requirements & suggested AWS cloud as the solution.
Their existing technology & infrastructure was rearchitected and set up in AWS Cloud. Genese provided adequate support & direction to the M & R Solution team to host their website and create virtual machines for their solutions on AWS.

Business Outcome

The architecture created solves all the issues M & R Solution was facing including auto-scaling, data storage, downtime & continuous monitoring.

M & R Solution system was deployed in AWS Lambda, a serverless compute service for running code without having to provision or manage servers. The new setup was more reliable and improved performance substantially.

With Genese & AWS, M & R Solution was benefited by:

  • Auto-scaling delivered for handling traffic fluctuation
  • Secure & Hassle-free compute capacity to create VM
  • Zero Downtime on Deployment
  • Increased Elasticity & Resizing capacity with EC2
  • Continuous Monitoring & Tracking

Want to take your business on Cloud