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Genese Managed Secure Content Delivery

Optimise content delivery, enhance performance, and ensure secure web content delivery with our robust global network of edge servers

Genese Managed Secure Content Delivery offers a comprehensive and robust solution for secure content delivery services. With an unwavering commitment to data protection, Genese’s managed secure content delivery service ensures end-to-end security throughout the content delivery process. By leveraging advanced encryption protocols, cutting-edge authentication mechanisms, and a globally distributed network of servers, Genese guarantees optimal performance without compromising on safety. Our holistic approach encompasses real-time threat monitoring, proactive mitigation of vulnerabilities, and responsive incident management.

Genese offers everything with a reliable infrastructure, allowing seamless content delivery while upholding the highest standards of data security.

What Does Genese Managed Secure Content Delivery Offer?

Content Delivery Network:

A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of interconnected servers that speeds up webpage loading for data-heavy applications. The primary purpose of a content delivery network (CDN) is to reduce latency or reduce the delay in communication created by a network’s design. They decrease web traffic to the web server, reduce bandwidth consumption, and improve the user experience of your applications. AWS Cloudfront is used for CDN.

Use Cases of AWS CloudFront


Deliver fast, secure websites with accelerated content delivery

Utilize the extensive capabilities of AWS in managing, processing, and analyzing vast datasets, with the flexibility of also leveraging Azure and GCP for your data solutions.


Accelerate dynamic content delivery and APIs

Optimise dynamic web content delivery with the purpose-built and feature-rich AWS global network infrastructure supporting edge termination and WebSockets.


Stream live and on-demand video

Start streams quickly, play them with consistency, and deliver high-quality video to any device with AWS Media Service and AWS Elemental integration.

Distribute patches and updates

Scale automatically to deliver software, game patches, and IoT over-the-air (OTA) updates at scale with high transfer rates.

Ensure constant availability

Utilise CloudFront to prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed, which ensures better responsiveness and availability, especially during traffic spikes.

Increase scalability

Scale easily, which allows you to handle increased traffic without overburdening your origin server.


Secure data transfer and encrypt specific fields throughout system processing

Ensure that data exchanged between users and your website remains secure and private. Our service protects specific data throughout system processing in addition to HTTPS security so that only certain applications at your origin can see the data.

Who uses Genese Managed Web Application Security?

Banking and Financial Institutions (BFIs)


Content Management Systems (CMS) Providers

E-commerce Platforms

Security Service Providers

Government Organizations

Why us?

AWS Expertise

Only advanced AWS partner in Nepal with 80+ AWS certified engineers and more than a decade of experience in digital transformation using public cloud services


Ensure your cloud environment is continually optimised from a security, governance, and architecture perspective in line with AWS best practices.


Complete team integration

Our cloud security engineers become part of your team, fully integrated with your organisation’s culture.


Utilise our specialised skills and expertise to cut costs, increase business agility, boost security, and spur growth.

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