Blog Posts

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Automate resources with CloudFormation

Automate resources with CloudFormation

A powerful tool provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), CloudFormation enables users to provision and manage cloud services using code. It makes it easier to define infrastructure with templates that describe how various resources such as RDS databases, S3 buckets, and...

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OCR Application on EC2 Servers

OCR Application on EC2 Servers

OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, this technology enables the conversion of different types of documents into editable and searchable data. This blog provides a step by step procedure on a small part of the application on EC2 servers. It highlights the...

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Reset passwords and SSH keys on EC2 instances

Reset passwords and SSH keys on EC2 instances

Overview: This document provides a comprehensive guide for resetting passwords and SSH keys on EC2 instances using AWS Systems Manager (SSM). It outlines step-by-step instructions to ensure a seamless and secure process for managing access credentials across multiple...

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