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With a fresh new year, it’s the time of the year to refresh and rejoice ourselves. New Year brings new hope, new resolution and new plans for the year.This year around, with New Year we have big news to share.We are happy to share that Genese is getting bigger & better and shifting to a new building this year. 

On that note, we would like to wish all the Nepali, a very happy, prosperous, joyful and healthy  New Year 2080. 

With new beginnings come new excitement, a fresh start and creating memories but how can we forget about the memories we had with the old building where we spent years. 

Lets see what memories our Genesians hold with the old building!

Since we are moving to our new building, what is the most memorable moment in our old building?

Rojin Pradhan

No matter what happens some memories can never be replaced. Few of the good old days when we all used to gather for fun friday, we used to play bingo,  work from the office during lockdown and those pingpong refreshments. Sweet memories are woven from the good times. Really  gonna miss this place. I am gonna miss my Genese Bakhundole place. ?

Susmita Poudel

Being close to colleagues from different departments in this building was a unique experience. Celebrating birthdays and breaks together created some truly memorable moments. I’m grateful for the memories we’ve made here and excited for what’s to come in our new home. ?

Barsha Bhandari

Those fun games with teams from different departments during Genese Dashain Celebration. We all laughed so much together that day. Such a fun day it was! ?

Ranjeet Ganesh

The game we played was named ” The Treasure Hunt” , in which there were maximum participants. Although our team lost the game, we enjoyed it a lot. ?

Suzu Shrestha

Getting to see everyone in the same space while roaming around hehe ?

Simran Lageju

Everyone lining up on the stairs to collect secret santa gift. ??

Pooja Shrestha

The first time I saw Genese’s logo on the gate. The logo on the white wall looked so beautiful. And, the word that popped on my head once I saw the building was ‘home’. With gardens. The building after 3 years still feels like a home to me. But growth is beautiful. Excited to make more beautiful memories in our new one. ?

Bensis Shrestha

Despite the limited size of my room, staying in there allowed me to develop closer relationships with my team members, which facilitated my adjustment to the department. In addition, participating in various events hosted in our building provided me with opportunities to interact with my colleagues on a deeper level. ?

Anmol Dhungana

The best memory that I’ll always have of this office is the 3 of us, Barsha di, Rupesh dai, and me, working from that tiny room.

Raunak Ghimire

Lots of memories. The time when we sang “Deusi Bhailo”, played “Holi”, “Treasure Hunt”, etc and all of us sitting in the floor to enjoy Stick food.?